Thursday, 13 June 2019

Eastern To Western: Uncovering the mysterious human health knowledge gaps

As a Chinese Medical Acupuncturist and trained in Nursing for many years, I have a very different understanding of health.

Like many Alternative health practitioners, I don't really like how the current medical system work. Or shall I say, the medical system has glitches. 

I like this phrase better -- medical knowledge gap. 

The medical theory is limited by science. 

Whereever science can explain, medicine can develop new treatment. 

However, if the science cannot explain, the medicine will not be able to develop new treatment. Even if they find a therapy/treatment, it's all guess work. For that we can see from many pharmaceutical medication says "mechanism unknown". 

How am I so sure there is knowledge gap in medicine? 

Well, a few things we can discuss. 

1. Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)

Over 2/3 of women have painful periods throughout their lives. Maybe that is what my professor was trying to say, maybe I was mistaken, but this is the idea -- so many women have painful periods, this is normal (medicine theory defined it as 'physiological')

However, Chinese Medicine can treat most of the pain. In fact, they can cure most of them. If they can be cured, is that making the condition 'pathological'? 

2. Asthma

Western medicine clearly stated 'there is no cure for asthma'. 

But Chinese medicine have some therapies that can treat asthma, and over many decades it never occured again. Is that not a cure? If this is cure, then what is the that statement indicate? Lack of method? 

This is a knowledge gap. 

3. OA knee pain

I had treated many people with OA knee pain. 

By theory in western medicine, if a knee has wornout cartilage, bone on bone friction is causing the pain, then nothing shall help, because nothing can prevent bone on bone friction. 

However, acupuncture in knee helps the patient painfree for few months!

Is that making this 'bone on bone' theory a joke? 

The Chinese Medical Theory has something Scientific Medicine can learn from. 

For the past 100 years, people tried to learn what is the secret of Chinese Medicine. However, they failed. 

Many reasons lead to this failure. 

- Chinese Medicine is written in ancient Chinese, which is nearly impossible to translate into other language
- Chinese Medical theory is arised from Eastern Chinese Yi (易经) philosophy, which cannot be understood by science, well, YET.
- First 50 years, Chinese Medical Practitioners believe Chinese Medicine is the best and western medical theories are only tricks and quack, and later 50 years the reverse....
- Chinese Medicine is poorly taught to the students thus every generation more and more knowledge getting lost throughout history
- No person of science can try to understand the common and differences of both medicine unbiased
- Fine! I agree one of the fact! No funding....

The Chinese Medicine have some knowledge which Scientific Medicine don't. 

What if we are able to cover this? 

- Many of the old conditions can have new cures
- Some of the chronic diseases can be cured, whereas now they can only be managed (for example hypertension, diabetes, etc..)
- We are able to uncover more mysterious human health
- New drugs can be developed (this is a quite important part -- pharmaceutical companies makes money, they will help the process)
- New therapy protocols can be developed (use some of the wisdoms which we don't have yet) (doctors and researches been acknowledged for their work, ambitions can bring bigger and better results)

Now the question is
How do we do it?

1. Believe in both Scientific Medicine and Chinese Medicine
2. Acknowledge the knowledge gap in Scientific Medicine
3. Discover the knowledge gap in Scientific Medicine which Chinese Medicine have theory for (able to treate)
4. Reverse engineering the theory, to uncover the myth of human health

However, I am not a person of research. 
I have some ideas, but just by myself, I can't make it happen. 
Wish there are someone can do the bigger work with me. 

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