Monday, 31 December 2018

Balance - intro to TCM

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese Massage therapy (tuina), and herbal therapy, all of these therapies are following one concept:


When the balance is achieved, meaning Yin Yang is balanced, then the person is healthy.

If there is any inbalance in the person's health, then it could lead to sickness or illness.

Yet there are many other theories in the TCM theories, but this is one of the most important fundemental theory.

And in the future, I will bring more detailed explanation about how it affect our health.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


This would be my very first Youtube video. 

It is about how diabetes affect our body, and the two types of diabetes.

In the future, there will be more to come.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Acupuncture can help anxiety

What does Acupuncture do?


Well, this is only one of the many many many conditions acupuncture can help.

But many people don't know the acupuncture can actually treat anxiety!

In western medicine, anxiety is more classified into psychological condition.

In Chinese Medicine, anxiety is more likely to fall into the c-Heart conditions (心).

As any common conditions, there are many TCM diagnosis sub-classifying anxiety.


All of the above different types of anxiety are treatable.

However, the modern medicine do not have any theory support such classifications. Thus, the medical doctors are not able to provide a proper and effective treatment when working with anxiety.

In this case, you might want to seek help from Acupuncture or TCM herbal therapies.